
Stool Test And Yeast

Stool Test And Yeast

Hi, My 6 yo son got back his stool test. The results show many yeast, inflammation, blood in stool and very little enzymes. He has tummy pain everyday, he is graving carbs and sugar. He gets moody and usually a meltdown after having sugar or even fruit like mango or grapes. He started sugar and carb free diet and nystatin 2ml 3 times per day, but after just one day with meds, he woke up at 5 am to empty his stomach. He vomited foam and yellow liquid, he was cold and shivering. He recovered soon after I gave him carbs and water. I haven’t given him the meds anymore. I think it might be too strong to his little body. Any alternative way to treat him? The diet is also very difficult. He is constantly hungry and asking what he could eat. I have given him buckwheat and quinoa with meals but he is getting very tired of steamed broccoli and carrot sticks. He is a picky eater already and this is not easy to him. Everything new is yak for him. He is skinny and this is worrying me too. What should I do? Balanced living has some yeast rid drops. Should I try them? I feel really hopeless. I would be very thankful for your advice! Gaps diet is hard for a child (family) and the nystatin seems to be too much

Thank you for this question. I see a lot of digestive complaints in my office and particularly with young children.

With the stool tests I offer, I have seen a variety of yeast species along with parasites and bacterial dysbiosis. So don’t feel alone with your son. This is very common in Singapore.

When it comes to treatments, I use a variety of antimicrobials. The biggest challenge I have found is compliance with small children. They don’t understand why they need to take their supplements or medications so it can be difficult to adjust to the change. This of course also encompasses food changes.

With children, I start gently in hopes to avoid any adverse reactions. When you see an adverse reaction when you are working to eradicate an overgrowth in the digestive tract, you can have what is called a die-off reaction. I see this more with removing yeast species and it is important to support the body to help reduce such reactions. Die off reactions can present as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, headaches, to even skin reactions. To reduce these symptoms, I suggest certain supplements that help absorb what yeast can release as they die. This is particular important when removing Candida because it sequesters mercury,. As a result, you want to help remove the mercury of the body rather than allowing it to be reabsorbed back into the system.

For treatment options, I use a variety of herbs (botanical medicine). I find with herbs you can play with the dosages, which is extremely helpful when you are dealing with someone very sensitive, to young children and someone who has a vast overgrowth of yeast, bacteria and parasites.

In addition to oral treatments, I frequently suggest topical agents that work as antifungals such as garlic infused oil. This becomes an easy way to gently get an anti-fungal into the child.

Overall, there are some excellent alternative options which myself or another naturopathic physician can utilize to support your child.

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Salmon Arm, BC
V1E 4N9
250 517 0775

Dr. Bean is seeing patients:

Thursday 10.00am – 4.00pm

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